How to Change Your Phone Number in WhatsApp for Specific Groups

WhatsApp has become an essential part of our lives, connecting us with family, friends, and colleagues. It’s no wonder that many of the apps on our smartphones are linked to our phone numbers. One popular platform, WhatsApp, requires our phone numbers for its functionality. But what happens when we want to change our WhatsApp number for specific groups? Is it even possible? In this article, we will explore a solution to this dilemma and guide you through the process.

The Limitation of Changing Numbers for Specific Groups

To be clear, WhatsApp does not provide a built-in feature that allows you to change your number solely for specific groups. When you change your phone number on WhatsApp, it will affect every contact and group associated with your account. However, there is an alternative approach that can help you achieve your goal. Let’s dive into it.

Purchase a New Phone Number

If you currently have only one phone number, it’s time to consider purchasing a new one. This will allow you to create a brand-new WhatsApp account specifically for the groups you want to change your number for. Once you have obtained a new number, follow these steps to leave the targeted groups on WhatsApp:

  1. Unlock your phone and open WhatsApp.
  2. Scroll down and tap on the group you wish to leave.
  3. Click on the top of the chat where the group name is mentioned.
  4. Move down to the end of the page to see an “Exit group” option. Go ahead and click on it.
  5. A confirmation prompt will appear on the screen, stating: “Exit (Group name)? Only group admins will be notified that you left the group.” The prompt will provide three options: “Mute instead,” “Cancel,” and “Exit.” Choose “Exit” to confirm your action.

Now that you have left the groups, it’s time to rejoin them using your new phone number. However, if you were an admin of any of the groups you left, there’s a way to retain your admin privileges. If you were added to a group using two numbers, and both numbers have admin privileges, you can continue to be the group administrator. Here’s how:

  1. Even after you quit a group with one of your old numbers, the other number will remain in the group.
  2. Once your new number has also earned admin status, you can finally leave the group using both old numbers.
  3. Simply join the groups you still have access to using your new number if you are the admin and have another number. These groups will now include your new phone number.

However, if you were a regular member, you’ll need to ask the group administrator to include your new number in the group. You can initiate a private chat with the administrator to discuss this matter. Once they grant your request, you’ll be added to the group using your new number.

Managing Multiple WhatsApp Accounts

It’s important to note that you are allowed to have two WhatsApp accounts – one with your old number and the other with the new one. This opens up possibilities for managing your groups more effectively. Your old number can still be associated with all the groups you have been a part of since early on. However, with your new number, you can be more selective and join only the groups that are most relevant to you.

Alternatively, if you don’t want to change your phone number but want to avoid notifications from certain groups, you can mute them. By muting specific groups, you can continue to be a member without being bothered by ongoing chats.

How to Change Your Phone Number in WhatsApp?

There are times when we want to change our phone numbers for various reasons, such as privacy concerns or starting fresh. Changing your phone number in WhatsApp is a straightforward process, but it’s important to consider the implications, especially if you don’t want to lose your chat history. Here’s a step-by-step guide to changing your phone number in WhatsApp:

  1. Open WhatsApp on your smartphone.
  2. Go to Settings by tapping on the three dots in the top-right corner.
  3. Tap on “Account” and then select “Change number.”
  4. A screen will appear with instructions and a warning regarding what will happen when you change your number. Read through the information carefully.
  5. Tap on “Next” to proceed.
  6. Enter your current phone number in the first field and your new phone number in the second field.
  7. Tap on “Next” to verify your new phone number.
  8. WhatsApp will send an SMS verification code to your new phone number. Make sure you have access to that number.
  9. Enter the verification code in the provided field and tap on “Next.”
  10. You will be asked whether you want to notify your contacts about your new number. You can choose to notify all contacts, contacts you have chats with, or none at all. Select your preferred option and tap on “Next.”
  11. WhatsApp will now transfer your account information to your new number.
  12. Once the process is complete, you will have successfully changed your phone number in WhatsApp.

It’s worth mentioning that changing your phone number in WhatsApp will not delete your account or your chat history. All your messages and media will remain intact. However, if you don’t want to lose your chat history, it’s essential to make sure you have a backup before changing your number.


While WhatsApp doesn’t offer a direct feature to change your number solely for specific groups, you can still achieve this goal by purchasing a new phone number and creating a separate WhatsApp account. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can leave the desired groups with your old number and rejoin them using your new number. Additionally, you can manage multiple WhatsApp accounts to have more control over your groups. Remember, changing your phone number in WhatsApp is a straightforward process, but it’s important to consider the implications and make sure you have a backup of your chat history.

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