If an Instagram User Has Changed His Username, How do i Find Their New UsernName?

Introduction: Instagram is a dynamic social media platform where users often update their profiles, including changing their usernames. If you’re trying to find someone’s new username after they’ve made this change, the process may not be as straightforward as it seems. However, with a bit of ingenuity and the right strategies, you can increase your chances of tracking down their updated handle.

  1. Search Through Mutual Connections: Start by checking the profiles of mutual friends or followers. If you share connections with the person you’re looking for, their new username might be visible in the followers or following list of these shared contacts.
  2. Check Old Conversations: If you’ve had past conversations with the user, review your direct messages. Even if they changed their username, the messages will still display their original handle when the conversation occurred. Once you find the old username, you can then manually search for the updated one.
  3. Use Google or Other Search Engines: Sometimes, a simple web search using the person’s name along with “Instagram” can yield results. People often link their social media accounts to other online profiles, and search engines may index this information.
  4. Utilize Instagram’s Search Function: Instagram’s search functionality allows you to explore users based on their names, emails, or phone numbers. Enter any information you have about the person into the search bar, and you might be able to locate their new profile.
  5. Explore Tags and Mentions: If the person you’re looking for is active on Instagram, they might be tagged or mentioned in posts by others. Explore relevant hashtags or check posts from mutual connections to find any references to their new username.
  6. Consider Third-Party Tools: While using third-party tools comes with privacy considerations, there are services that claim to help find updated Instagram usernames. Exercise caution and ensure that you are using reputable and secure platforms if you decide to explore this option.
  7. Reach Out Directly: If you have a legitimate reason for wanting to connect with this person, consider reaching out through other means such as email or other social media platforms. Politely inquire about their new Instagram username.

Conclusion: Finding an Instagram user’s new username after a change may require a bit of detective work, but by leveraging mutual connections, checking old conversations, utilizing search engines, exploring Instagram’s search function, and considering other strategies, you increase your chances of success. Remember to always respect privacy and use ethical means when attempting to find someone’s updated Instagram handle.

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